The scientific committee of the event is the educational council of Gustave Roussy
Scientific Committee
Professor in Medical Oncology at Gustave Roussy and Paris-Saclay University, CEO of Gustave Roussy
- Medical oncologist specialized in lung cancer, precision medicine and cancer immunology

Medical Oncologist at Gustave Roussy
- Head of Unit, Ambulatory Department at Gustave Roussy
- Head of the University Diploma in Coordination and Connected Health

Professor in Medical Oncology at Gustave Roussy and Paris-Saclay University
- Chair of the Oncology Department at Gustave Roussy

Assistant Professor at DITEP, the Drug Development Department of Gustave Roussy
- PhD in Health Economy

Professor at Paris-Saclay University
- Deputy team leader of research group “Host-tumor interactions in Head and Neck carcinomas” (UMR 9018) at University of Paris Saclay
Medical Oncologist at Gustave Roussy
- Head of Unit, Radiation Oncology Department at Gustave Roussy
- Head of the University Diploma in Participatory Health in Oncology
- Head of the Patient Partnership Symposium in Oncology

Professor in Radiation Oncology at Gustave Roussy and Paris-Saclay University
- Section Chief, Radiation Oncology Department at Gustave Roussy
- Editor in Chief, Clinical and Translational Radiation
- Director of the School of Cancer Sciences
- Adjunct Professor, The UT MD Anderson Cancer Center

Medical Oncologist at Gustave Roussy
- Chief Resident of Digestive Oncology
- Tumor Cell Dynamics Unit - INSERM U1279

Professor in Health Economy at Gustave Roussy and Paris-Saclay University
- Health Economist at Gustave Roussy
- Professor in Pharmaceutical Law and Economics, Faculty of Pharmacy at Paris-Saclay University
- Head of the Master’s in Market-Access and Economic Evaluation at Paris-Saclay Unoiversity

Care Coordinator - Departments of Medical Imaging and Radiotherapy Oncology at Gustave Roussy
- Creator and Coordinator of the University Diploma in Clinical Practices in Radiotherapy for Technicians
- Head of the annual "Radiation Technicians Day" seminar

Professor in Radiation Oncology at Gustave Roussy and Paris-Saclay University
- Chair of the Radiation Oncology Department at Gustave Roussy
- Head of Teaching and University Relations at Gustave Roussy

Strategic steering officer

Professor in Medical Oncology at Gustave Roussy and Paris-Saclay University
- Head of the Genito-Urinary group at Gustave Roussy
- President of GETUG

Professor at Paris-Saclay University
- Group leader “RNA sequence, Structure & Function”

Associate Professor at Paris-Saclay University
- Researcher in UMR9019 CNRS-Gustave Roussy research team

Biologist, CNRS Research Director
- Team Leader of Research Group Genome Integrity and Cancers at Gustave Roussy

Professor in Radiology at Gustave Roussy and Paris-Saclay University
- Deputy Director of BIOMAPS.UMR1281.INSERM.CNRS.CEA at Paris-Saclay University
- Director of IFSBM at Paris-Saclay University

Advanced Practice Nurse at Gustave Roussy
- Educational Coordinator of the Master’s in Advanced Practice Nursing specializing in Oncology and Hemato-Oncology

Professor in Pediatric Oncology at Gustave Roussy and Paris-Saclay University
- Head of Unit, Pediatric Oncology Department at Gustave Roussy
- Vice President of the French Society of Pediatric Cancers

Surgeon at Gustave Roussy
- Skull base surgery, Head and Neck Surgery, Skin Malignancies & Reconstructive Surgery
- Professor in Surgical Oncology at Gustave Roussy and Paris-Saclay University
Associate Professor at Gustave Roussy and Paris-Saclay University
- Deputy Director of the CMBS Doctoral School

Executive Director of Gustave Roussy Education

Assistant Professor at DITEP, the Drug Development Department of Gustave Roussy
- PhD in Bioinformatics

2 patient representatives